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Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

A Wise Smile and Childish Sight

I make some wish on my pray, I hoped... "Please God..."
And I got it. I saw you, smiling and laughing. It seemed you do it without any problem on your shoulders. But I didn't know exactly.
What I knew is I meet you, finally, since long time ago. I had no words to say, my tongue locked with a nervous.I want to chase you, want to see you more close, but I could not do that, of course. So there was nothing I do, just stand up, and it seemed I need to cry. 
Yes, cry. But my tears would not come.I forgot it, I would not cry, whatever the situation held. 
So I just can said, "You saved his wise smile. You saved his childish eyes. I can see it now. I can feel the shine glow in my heart, strong and gentle. And there was nothing I should be anxious about... Thanks God". 

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